Hooray! The lab has received two USDA NIFA SAC grants to study Industrial Hemp! Collect, Characterize, and Preserve Feral American Hemp Germplasm. The purpose of this research task is to build and characterize a genetically …
Month: May 2023
Welcome to Grace Connelly – A New Ellison Lab MS Student in Agroecology!
Welcome to Grace Connelly – a new Ellison Lab MS student in Agroecology! Grace was born and raised in Grants Pass, Oregon. She attended Pacific University where she earned her B.S. degree in Environmental Biology …
Welcome to Sean Kim – A New Ellison Lab MS Student in Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics!
Welcome to Sean Kim – a new Ellison Lab MS student in Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics! Sean is originally from Cottage Grove, WI. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point with a B.S. …
Welcome to Autumn Brown – The First Ellison Lab Graduate Student!
Welcome to Autumn Brown – the first Ellison Lab graduate student! Autumn is originally from Mammoth Spring, Arkansas. She graduated from the University of Arkansas with a B.S. degree in Horticulture and a double minor in …
Lab Co-Awarded a USDA NIFA Tribal College Research Grant
Hooray! The lab has been co-awarded a USDA NIFA Tribal College Research Grant with Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College to study the effects of companion cropping in hemp for pest control and economic sustainability.
Lab Awarded Baldwin Wisconsin Idea Seed Grant
Hooray! The lab has been awarded a Baldwin Wisconsin Idea seed grant to acquire and synthesize foundational knowledge for hemp-derived products.