Welcome to Jillian Abendroth – a new Ellison Lab PhD student in Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics! Jill received her B.S. in Molecular Genetics at University of Rochester and M.S. in Crop, Soil, and Environmental …
Lab News
UW-Madison Hemp Research Field Day Recap
Sincere thank you to everyone who made the UW-Madison Hemp Research Field Day a reality! We were thrilled by the turnout, with both of our shuttles being completely full for the duration of the event. …
Congratulations to Grace Connelly on a Successful Thesis Defense!
Congratulations to Grace Connelly who successfully defended her thesis, entitled “Evaluating Ecosystem and Agronomic Serivces Provided by Companion Cropping in Hemp (Cannabis sativa L.)!” Grace’s research is driven by the understanding that our current cropping …
Hemp Research Field Day: August 17!
Greetings! The Ellison Lab in the Horticulture Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites you to join us for a field day about the latest hemp research being conducted here at the UW. The event will …
Lab Receives SARE Partnership Grant to Evaluate High Cannabinoid Hemp Cultivars!
More great news from Ellison Lab! The lab has received a Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Partnership Grant to further develop the Cultivar Check Program during the 2023 and 2024 growing seasons! The Cultivar …
Lab Receives Two USDA NIFA SAC Grants to Study Industrial Hemp!
Hooray! The lab has received two USDA NIFA SAC grants to study Industrial Hemp! Collect, Characterize, and Preserve Feral American Hemp Germplasm. The purpose of this research task is to build and characterize a genetically …
Welcome to Grace Connelly – A New Ellison Lab MS Student in Agroecology!
Welcome to Grace Connelly – a new Ellison Lab MS student in Agroecology! Grace was born and raised in Grants Pass, Oregon. She attended Pacific University where she earned her B.S. degree in Environmental Biology …
Welcome to Sean Kim – A New Ellison Lab MS Student in Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics!
Welcome to Sean Kim – a new Ellison Lab MS student in Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics! Sean is originally from Cottage Grove, WI. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point with a B.S. …
Welcome to Autumn Brown – The First Ellison Lab Graduate Student!
Welcome to Autumn Brown – the first Ellison Lab graduate student! Autumn is originally from Mammoth Spring, Arkansas. She graduated from the University of Arkansas with a B.S. degree in Horticulture and a double minor in …
Lab Co-Awarded a USDA NIFA Tribal College Research Grant
Hooray! The lab has been co-awarded a USDA NIFA Tribal College Research Grant with Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College to study the effects of companion cropping in hemp for pest control and economic sustainability.