Farewell and Congratulations to Pawan Basnet (Postdoctoral Researcher) for Accepting New Position as Research Scientist

Farewell and congratulations to Dr. Pawan Basnet (Postdoctoral Researcher) for accepting a new position as Research Scientist at Agriplex Genomics in Cleveland, Ohio! Dr. Basnet spent 15 months in the Ellison Lab working to (among many things) understand the genetics of SCN resistance in pennycress. Dr. Basnet is a skillful data analyst who assisted many members of the lab on a regular basis, you will be missed!

As we wish Pawan the best in the next chapter of his career, here are a few highlights from his time in the lab!


  • Basnet, P., & Ellison, S. Pennycress Domestication And Improvement Efforts (Under review – Crop Science)
  • Basnet et al. First Report of Bacterial Blight of Pennycress Caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv incanae in Wisconsin (Under review – Plant Disease Notes)

Moving forward, Dr. Basnet can be reached at basnet374@gmail.com.

Thank you so much!